Admissions Policy and Calendar
Enrollment opens in the Spring.
The primary purpose of St. Paul Lutheran School is the education of young people in order to assist them in their academic, personal, and spiritual growth—“to educate the whole person: mind, body, and soul, and to provide a Christ-centered environment, where students are prepared spiritually and scholastically for their future.” As a Lutheran school, emphasis is first and foremost on the teaching and practice of the Lutheran faith so children and young people can “experience learning and living fully integrated in the light of faith.” Parents and guardians who enroll their children also understand that the school will remain faithful to the teachings of the Lutheran Church and steadfast in proclaiming them. Members, parents and students, of St. Paul Lutheran Church are expected to faithfully attend services and to give to the Church and School of their time, talents and treasures. The administration of the school recognizes that our students come from a variety of family backgrounds, some of which may not fully conform to the moral teachings of the Lutheran Church. The personal family background of a student does not constitute an obstacle to enrollment in the school. Nor does acceptance of any child for enrollment in the school condone or imply approval of any parental living situation which may be contrary to Church teachings.
Students Not of the Lutheran Faith: The presence of students who do not share the Lutheran faith provides a wonderful diversity to the school; however, this diversity shall not alter the primacy of Lutheran religious formation as an integral component of the educational program in the school. As such:
- All students are expected to participate in the religious formation and education programs of the school.
- All students must participate in liturgies, services, other religious functions, and religion classes for credit.
- The Lutheran Church tenets state that students not of the Lutheran faith may not receive the sacraments of the Church; unless the student should chose to participate and/or become a member.
- Students are expected, for testing and discussion purposes, to be knowledgeable of the Lutheran Church’s positions on scripture, revelation, and moral practices. While Lutheran teaching respects the various faith traditions of the students attending the Lutheran school, parents must be aware that it is the Lutheran position that will be taught.
Parental Role
The St. Paul Lutheran Church recognizes and the Lutheran school respects the parents as the primary and principal educators of their children. For a Lutheran parent, the promise at baptism to raise their children as Lutheran supports these premises and the Lutheran school thereby exists to assist parents in the Christian formation of their children—assisting in what is to already be happening in the home. With the school being a continuation of a child’s primary education, all parents enrolling their children in the school are expected to support the school’s mission and commitment to Christian principles. Parents are expected to annually sign the school’s Handbook Agreement Form as acceptance of the school’s policies as set forth within the handbook.
While present on the school campus be it for academic related activities or extra-curricular events, every adult has the responsibility of appropriate conduct in order to support the school’s mission and provide positive role models to our students. A coherent witness to Lutheran moral teaching is expected at the school and during any school-related activities.
Admission Documents
The following documents are required for each student’s permanent records at the time of registration:
- Birth certificate or legal verification of the child’s age
- Social security card
- Immunization record listing the dates of all shots in compliance with those required by state law,
- Baptismal certificate (if applicable, Lutheran applicants only)
- Custody agreement (if applicable)
- All provided school enrollment forms.
Admission/Enrollment Decisions
A parent retains the right to withdraw a student at any time, just as the school administration (principal and/or school board) reserves the right to accept or deny admission, or to terminate the attendance of a student within the parameters of the school policies. The school administration hopes that all decisions may be made through amicable discussion. If needed, a grievance procedure to assist with any discussion is also a part of this handbook.
Application and Enrollment
Candidates for admission to St. Paul Lutheran School and their parent(s) must be in agreement with and committed to the mission of the school,its policies, andadministrative decisions. Parents also understand that the academic success of their child is a result of parental involvement in the life of their child’s academic work (for example, homework) and extra-curricular activities (for example, participation in sports and school activities).
St. Paul Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, creed, religion, gender, national or ethnic origin, and does not discriminate in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial aid, or other school-administered programs. St. Paul Lutheran School admits full-time students to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to all students at the school. Admission is open to all children of the community, as space is available, according to the following:
- First: Children of the members of St. Paul Lutheran Church
- Second: Children of St. Paul Lutheran School Employees
- Third: Non-member children enrolled the previous year and their siblings.
- Fourth: Non-member children not enrolled the previous year.
Admission to St. Paul is dependent upon the school having the appropriate academic program and/or educational plan that fits the student. Determination of the appropriate educational program/plan will be made through review of any or all of the following: report cards, scores on State of Missouri tests, other standardized test results, a previous school referral form, behavior and discipline records, and other possible factors. The school may or may not be equipped to service the educational needs of students with disabilities. St. Paul Lutheran School expressly reserves the right to not admit any student(s) based upon admissions criteria detailed in this policy. Students with Individualized Education Plans require individualized review and approval for admission. School records must indicate that there is a reasonable expectation for a formula for success at St.Paul, as determined by the School Administrator, School Board and/or Admissions Committee.
All parents of applicants, grade1-8, must meet with the School Administrator before admission to determine proper grade level placement. Children who enter kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before August 1st of the year in which they enter.
St. Paul Lutheran School reserves the absolute right to admit all students on a probationary or conditional status for 2 (two) quarters.
The student must be in good standing with their previous school. Students from alternative or non-accredited schools or who have been on probation and/or suspended from another school require additional review and approval for admission.
Entrance Age Requirements
Early Childhood, Three- or Four-Year-Old
To be eligible for enrollment in the three- or four-year-old early childhood classes, a child must have reached the age of three or four years by August 1st.
To be eligible for enrollment in the kindergarten class, a child must have reached the age of five years before August 1st. Parents of children entering kindergarten must have their child's immunizations brought up-to-date and are encouraged to also have their child receive a physical examination.
Nondiscrimination Policy
St. Paul Lutheran School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities, generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, athletic, and other administered programs.